Represent is a subscription service to democratize professional services for creators at every stage of their career leveraging tech-enabled tools and an expert marketplace of professionals.

Our mission is to close the gap between access, information, and action for creators to realize their goals.

Our vision is to build the most useful global network for the creator economy.

Talent has shifted over the years.

It is time for representation to be disrupted.

Tech Enabled Tools

Talent and their advocates need on-demand tech support to better understand their brand and business. Members receive access to contract readers, business templates, pricing calculators, and more.

Expert Marketplace

Members are expertly matched with professionals who work with creatives across marketing, sales, finance, and legal to supercharge their strategies with real-world advice and connections.

Talent Specialists

We provide every member with an opportunity to have dedicated support to ensure that our team reviews high-priority interests, deals, strategies, and insights.

Be Part Of The Revolution.

Be Part Of The Revolution.


The Creators + Influencers survey aims to provide valuable insights and data about creators' and influencers' experiences, perspectives, and practices across various industries and platforms. By capturing diverse experiences and perspectives, this survey seeks to provide a comprehensive view of the challenges, opportunities, and trends within the creator and influencer ecosystem.

Industry Professional

The Industry Professional survey aims to provide valuable insights and data about industry professionals' experiences, perspectives, and practices across various industries and platforms. By capturing diverse experiences and perspectives, this survey seeks to provide a comprehensive view of the challenges, opportunities, and trends within the creator and influencer ecosystem.


Hot take: You do not need to be signed to a management or agency to be successful as a creative, talent, or influencer.

You need the right resources at the right time when it serves YOU

Join The Waitlist

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